Just like that, we celebrated the first day of summer while hoping that a season change can also impact positively a change in our lives. Specifically us in Lebanon, and any country or anyone feeling the need to witness better days.

F for Fun / Facts

If you thought that the dishwasher is only used to clean your dishes, than you are not making the best out of it! Check what else can you use your dishwasher for.

F for Fashion / Beauty

For those who have clothes and nothing to wear, you can contact me to make your life easier with some styling sessions and check the outfit inspirations that I share across my social media platforms like this one for weddings. Here are 8 easy outfit formulas to help you get ready faster in the morning! What do you think about the new avatar store by meta and will this tiktok face taping replace botox? Would love to know your thoughts about it.

F for Fitness

Can you do only Yoga for weight loss? And what are the 8 standing yoga poses to build strength?

F for Food

Cucumber and cilantro chutney sandwich is anything but boring! In case you are planning a gathering on your patio, here are several summer recipes that can please all tastes and diets

See you next week!

Stay Fabulous and updated; subscribe to my blog, Youtube channel and follow me on instagram, Facebook, tiktok and twitter pages.


La Petite

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